Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Trailer Talk

I know, I know, I know... some people don't like Tegan & Sara. I don't get it really, but I'm learning to respect you. Ha, Ha! However, if you're not into their music, perhaps you can get into their banter. They are really funny together, and just play off each other so well. They have been recording "Trailer Talk" - live from their trailer while on the road. It's similar to something they did on the DVD release with their new album, but now they do it in their trailer as they freeze their asses off (well, in the northern states anyway). Enjoy! (An update on ME, is below)

So here's a Kai update: Ummm... nothing much going on. End of update. Just kidding. I'm trying to get back to blogging after a much needed mental break. Anyway, I think those happy pills are really starting to work! Especially when you take them with alcohol! All your problems just go away! ;-)

No, but seriously, just been working a lot and don't have access to blogs and fun stuff at work. Plus, I'm pretty sure my work computer is running Windows 3.1, even if it says XP.

Today, my co-worker told me I need to stop working so many extra hours, and get a social life. Little does she know that my part-time job at night provides some good opportunities for flirting. :-)


seymour said...

How can I be the first to comment here? this T & S thing; not my fav artists but they're cute. And I appreciate your respect. :D

Now, on to your social life; listen to your co-worker, but keep up the flirting.

Glad you're back blogging!!

Edilma said...

Hee hee...this is the funniest trailer talk so far hahahaha I love them...and I love you :D

Miss ya.

Anonymous said...

As you know, I've taken a sudden shine to Tegan & Sara, at least for a couple of their songs on their latest album. I agree they are kinda cute...hehe.