Thursday, October 11, 2007

Small Break

Hey everyone -

Things are a bit overwhelming right now for a variety of reasons. I need to take a small break from blogging. I'll try to stay on twitter.

Be back soon...


Monday, October 8, 2007

Musher's Camp - Skagway, Alaska

We went dog sledding (without the snow) while in Alaska. The dogs were awesome, and the ride through the woods was so much fun!

How cute is that puppy?

I'm working tomorrow night (Tuesday). I should see that "new friend" of mine. :-)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Ah Yes.... KATE!

Nearly had too many heart palpitations when I saw this.... she's just so cool and HOT.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Last Pictures of Vancouver

At this rate, it will take a year to get through my vacation pictures! (Sorry!)

An engaged friend of mine recently told me she's getting married next summer in Seattle. I'm currently invited. So, if I go, I'm gonna take a few days and go up to Vancouver again. :-)

Btw, I kind of, sort of, maybe, met someone at my part-time job. Maybe. We're kind of just in the talking, semi-flirting stage. We'll see what happens.
