Monday, December 31, 2007

To the New Year - 2008!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Any resolutions?

I don't do resolutions... however, I finally got around to joining the gym the other day. I refuse to go tomorrow though, because I've done that before and the gym is always PACKED on Jan. 1! Ha!

What possibilities does the future hold?


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New "L Word" Season!

Non-Spoilers Here....

I just, finally, finished watching the L Word, Season 5 Ep. 1 premiere off OurChart. Pretty cool they streamed it. Of course, at 9am PST time, the entire site was crashing and "no connections" could be made. Not surprisingly actually. Even if I did plan my day around it. So, at 1:30pm EST (10:30am PST, for all those who care), I was able to log into Showtime's link and view. BUT, I had plans at 3pm, and needed to get some booze and drive to my friends house prior to 3pm (I wasn't drinking while driving - that's illegal and dangerous - don't do it!).

Semi-Spoiler Alert Here!

So anyway, at 9pm, I got home and watched it. Here's my synopsis. Jenny is mad-crazy, and I actually HATE (yes, HATE) that they continue to feed into the "Jenny is crazy" camp. I remember Ilene saying she related most to Jenny in the beginning. Now she's just off the wall. However, Mia looks fucking HOT! Shane needs a hair cut. Which is ironic, since she is a stylist. I realized Joyce reminds me exactly of someone I work with (voice, sarcasm) - very funny & fantastic. Alice is always too cute. Poor Helena. Bette and Tina look mighty fine. Sexual tension anyone? Jodi still annoys me (Bette, I liked your efforts with the table!) Who else? Max was fine, even if Alice did completely insult him. I'm sure I'm forgetting people.... oh, or am I thinking there are more characters than there are? Yes, I forgot. Apparently half of them "got lost" during the past "three or so weeks" from the old season til now.

Back to reality...

If I have $5 for every time someone has asked me if I have a boyfriend yet, in the past 2 weeks (including tonight)... I would have won more money than my boy's fantasy football jackpot (errr... that was $450). It's getting old, and it's getting annoying. Why the fuck does anyone give a shit? Are they implying I'm getting old or that I'm lonely? Shut the fuck up and focus on yourself, and please stop asking about my sex life.

Thank you for letting me vent.

Off to bed. Night.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Crush...

... is straight.

She e-mailed me and joked saying she's asking Santa for a "great guy!" BLAH! Couldn't she have just left that out? How do you turn straight girls bi or gay? Any hints? Whatever. Just another lost cause. (Sad).

Well, at least tomorrow I start my vacation around Noon. I can then proceed to drown my sorrows in alcohol. Bummer.

PS - I just tried to make myself feel better, by e-mailing my old crush. :-)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Mélange Lavonne

I was watching LOGO last weekend and saw some good music videos. I instantly loved this song. Please take the time to listen. The lyrics are great! (IMHO)

Mélange Lavonne - Gash Bash

So, I think I have a little crush on someone I work with. She's an intern. I'm sure she's straight - talked about some guy she recently broke up with someone... but one never knows. Hell, I was straight once too, right? :-) Anyway, we might hang out during the holiday break. I'm pretty sure this will end with me having stronger feelings for her and it going no where... so at least it will continue to be a consistent aspect of my life. Hmmm...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Trailer Talk

I know, I know, I know... some people don't like Tegan & Sara. I don't get it really, but I'm learning to respect you. Ha, Ha! However, if you're not into their music, perhaps you can get into their banter. They are really funny together, and just play off each other so well. They have been recording "Trailer Talk" - live from their trailer while on the road. It's similar to something they did on the DVD release with their new album, but now they do it in their trailer as they freeze their asses off (well, in the northern states anyway). Enjoy! (An update on ME, is below)

So here's a Kai update: Ummm... nothing much going on. End of update. Just kidding. I'm trying to get back to blogging after a much needed mental break. Anyway, I think those happy pills are really starting to work! Especially when you take them with alcohol! All your problems just go away! ;-)

No, but seriously, just been working a lot and don't have access to blogs and fun stuff at work. Plus, I'm pretty sure my work computer is running Windows 3.1, even if it says XP.

Today, my co-worker told me I need to stop working so many extra hours, and get a social life. Little does she know that my part-time job at night provides some good opportunities for flirting. :-)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Say What?

I don't blog, because I don't really have anything to say.

However, I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes! I had a great birthday week/Thanksgiving week. It started off with a Tegan & Sara concert! I love them! They are so cool, and my crush on Tegan just gets bigger!

Then EARLY the next morning (I was very sleepy!) I flew down to Florida. The weather was warm and beautiful. I unexpectedly had to rent a car - my cousin's car had broken down and she couldn't pick me up from the airport. Anyway, the car agent saw it was my birthday the next day and gave me some cool little sports car. So, I drove around Fort Lauderdale in style!

On my birthday, I went to the beach and relaxed. It was so nice. That night, I went out to dinner and then saw my girl, Tori Amos perform! It was incredible to see her perform on my birthday - felt very special. Plus, it was cool to be around a different audience. They seemed a bit more intense, and excited. I guess NY'ers are more laid back (perhaps?).

Thanksgiving was another lovely day. I went swimming at the beach and cruised around. Dinner consisted of eggplant, sweet potatoes and veggies (I don't particularly like Turkey). Then I watched the football game. Overall, it was a great birthday week!

In the midst of all this, I accidentally put a Rilo Kiley song into my Tegan & Sara mega-mix on my iPod, and now I'm becoming obsessed with Jenny Lewis and Rilo Kiley.

Go ahead, sing along!