Thursday, September 13, 2007

The North Pole Vacation

I'm outta here!

But I'm not going to the North Pole - ha, ha, Seymour! I tried, but apparently this is the start of Santa's busy season. So, I figured I'd try another very cold place - Alaska. Yes, I'm going to Alaska to see the melting glaciers and polars bears, while they are still there. :-P

I'll try to twitter if I can find some WiFi. (AT&T told me they don't have service where I was going in Alaska - go figure!) Until I get back though... take care, and have fun!

Much Love!


Edilma said...

HAVE FUN! I'll miss you.

Next time come here damn it! :P


Anonymous said...

The great state of Alaska will meet our friend, Kai! I hope she's having a great time.

Chazza said...

Soo jealous, have fun. Take lots of pics per favor!!

Tigerblue said...

Looks like so much fun. From what I've heard Alaska is a great place for a vacation. Enjoy, Kai!

seymour said...

Hope you're having a great time!

And how is it possible that AT&T has no service there??