Monday, May 14, 2007


Exhibit A: Kai sneezing...

:: No I'm not crying in the video ::

Happy Monday.

:: Video has expired ::


Edilma said...

YAY! another video! So i'll catch it later when i get home.

By the way check out my twitter thing ;)


seymour said...


No really....a little fexofenadine does wonders.

Kai said...

E - that's my fantastic spanish at it's BEST! ... not even quite sure what it says!

Seymour - fexofenadine - is that legal? :)

Anonymous said...

Yo Kai! Awwwwww, La Abeja kitty sends you kitty kisses, although that might make you sneeze again. your videos.

dh said...

Awhhhh Kai..
at last we have something in common.
We should build on that.
I know EXACTLY how you feel...
and yes dogs are tops!
How IS that chocolate Labby of yours?
Take care.

nico said...

yay, another video

great great great ... the pets are nice, even though the cat is REALLY blue ... but no wonder being dissed like that, just because of pure existance ... ;D

can't wait to see the next piece of "the life of kai"

Chazza said...

Awww hey I hope ur allergies have gone away. And happy Tuesday to you... welcome. I think it might be a nice day in the lovely NYC it sure was in Melbourne. We needed that rain.

I put one of those twitter things on my blog just like you said.

I love the videos and I love dogs and what you have a chocolate lab??? I love labs.

p.s Anyone who visits here should check out the aussie album. Sorry I just had to plug free music for everyone. lol

Anonymous said...

Chazza! I should go visit your blog.

I love chocolate labs too. It's just that I love both pussies and dogs.

seymour said...

Is that legal?? What kind of question....pshhha.....of course! It's the generic of Allegra.

And I see Chazza has joined the twitter cult....

dh said...

see... Chocolate Labs are a source of envy around the world even Down Under.

you get around dont you? ;-)
Fancy meeting you here!